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Quick Ways To Blog We are indexed in Google, Yahoo, MSN

Actually there are many ways that you can do to make our blogs can be in the know and many have visitors. Among others are the list of blogs on google, yahoo, MSN and others. And by visiting the website or other blogs and commenting.

For blogger newbies like me before knowing SEO Tips and Tricks take the position that if we create a website or blog will automatically be indexed to different search engines, and in fact not the case.

The search engine of course there are huge numbers once, and at this moment the most famous in the world is Google, Yahoo, and MSN. If a blog we want them indexed in search engines, then our obligation is to register your blog URL in their search engine.

Quick so indexed in Google, Yahoo and MSN the following steps:

* List Blog in Google:

Please visit, when it is on the registration page there are several steps that must be done, namely to fill in the form provided:

o URL -> Fill with your blog URL

Comments o -> Fill with the keyword or keywords that relate to your blog

o Fill the empty box with the available letters Verification

o Click the Add button URL

o Done.

Wait three to four weeks until samapi web / blog indexed by google search engine.

* List Blog on Yahoo:

Please visit https: / / / submit. Before you sign up you should have a yahoo account on yahoo, so register an account (email) on yahoo. Because of the need to login to yahoo account. For those who already have e-mail / yahoo account on your live login with username and password. If already logged in, please fill the column with your URL, then click the Add button URL, complete. If you want to enter the feed address and gentlemen, my friend could put it. Remember, it addresses only the live feeds in blogger behind atom.xml add your blog URL, for example:

then the feed address:

* Create Blogs on MSN:

Visit then verify the contents of the letter and your URL in the box provided, then click the Submit button URL, complete.

Now the blog is already listed in google, yahoo and MSN. Then just wait until the blogs indexed. Checks on search engines, make sure your blog is already terindek.

Good luck

Posting by PanduanBuatBlogGratis


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